What Would My Doula Do?

Tips to make labor more comfortable

Start relaxation techniques before you need them, starting from a place of relaxation makes it easier to stay relaxed

Give a sip of water after every contraction, a bite of food every 20 minutes.

Grounded touch during contractions, massage and stroking motion between contractions.

When standing / leaning through contractions, make sure knees are bent, butt is slightly sticking out, and hips are swaying. Avoid any tension.

Own the L&D room - dim the lights, ask the nurse to turn down volume on monitors if distracting.

Use leverage during hip presses & sacral pressure to prevent fatigue, apply pressure during contractions and rest between.

Greet nurses and care providers each time they enter the room and tell them what a great job your partner is doing. Stay confident.

During a shift change, introduce yourself to the new nurse and point them in the direction of the birth plan so they can read it.

Give loving and affirmative feedback consistently.

Encourage ‘rag doll’ relaxation between contractions in late active labor/transition, release all tension in the body.

Count breaths to recenter during contractions.

Model deep breathing yourself to encourage mirroring.

Michelle Berninger